The Good News Newspaper Is Approved And In The Past Has Been Financially Backed By The Australian Government N.E.I.S Program. It Is A Humanitarian Based Newspaper. Our Mission Is To Create A Weekly Wave Of Financial Aid Through Our Readers Subscriptions To Empower As Many Correctly Registered Charities As Humanly Possible To Carry Out The Vital Work They Do To Help The Disadvantaged People In The World to Have A Much Better Life.
We gather together Good News, Inspirational Stories and many Positive Solutions to life’s problems and publish them as a global weekly wave of humanitarian hope for all the people and world in which we live.
We believe in doing all this, that it will give an enrichment, inspiration and vision to the people of our world to give them genuine hope and positive help through applying real life solutions to help heal them and our world.
As it is all too plain to see the number of people who are struggling through the process of life far outweighs the people who have managed to find a way to have a really great life. The ratio is 95% struggle to exist and 5% are living a great life. It is our mission and purpose at “The Good News Newspaper” and “Wealth For The Workers” Project to do something really positive to help remedy and fix whatever problems we can in the world.
My husband Derek and I began the Good News Newspaper because we wanted to create a continual flow of Good News and positive, workable, uplifting solutions to help people have better lives with a sprig of humor added in for good measure.
Our mission after paying our taxes and running costs is to donate approx one 3rd to around a one 1/2 of our subscription revenue depending on our financial circumstances to help Fund Worthwhile Charities And Create Never ending Inspirational Waves Of Humanitarian Financial Aid To Help Heal The World Around Us.
There are so many topics that the newspaper embraces and hundreds of thousands of interesting positives articles that we can bring to the world and its people that we just are having a wonderful time each week getting out all the inspirational and educational news and hopefully help create a brighter and happier future for everyone!
What’s Different About The Good News Newspaper?
We decide to create the Good News Paper to let people in our community and the world in general know that there are actually already many hundreds of thousands of people around the world who right now as you are reading this page are right now doing many thousands of selfless acts of genuine kindness, financial donations and inspirational acts for many thousands of disadvantaged people that are all contributing to and helping to make our world a much better place.
Our aim is to help inspire and connect together as many of these wonderful people as humanly possible and to help inspire them all to come together as a huge team to do even greater works and give them alternative options that they would not necessarily hear about through the normal media outlets.
We have a burning, passionate purpose to help Billions of people to have a much better life, a brighter future and to help bring about peace, happiness and prosperity into their lives and to planet Earth.
The Good News Newspaper provides a voice…
…for all those people who want to help make our world a much better place by inspiring and helping them to discover valuable and often life changing information, tips, reviews of products and informing these people and their communities of events that they can participate in.
Yours sincerely
Derek and Cath White.