Welcome To The Wealth For The Workers’ E.Book, Audio Book, Art And Music Catalogue. The Wealth For The Workers Is Approved And Backed By The Australian Government And N.E.I.S Program.
We Are An Education Based, Humanitarian, Global Self Employment, New Style Of Profit-Sharing Company. Our Mission Is To Wipe Out Unemployment, Poverty And Financial Hardship In Australia And On Planet Earth.
If You Are A Writer, Artist or Musician And Would Like To Have Your Artistic Creation, E.Book, Audio Book, Music Or Painting In Our Catalogue Please Contact Us By Email On Our “CONTACT US PAGE”
Our Refund Policy: Please make sure you take your time to choose your products carefully as we have ‘No refunds for incorrect choice’ and ‘No refunds if you change your mind’.
Wealth For The Workers' E.Book, Audio Book, Art And Music Catalogue
This is a current list of all our E.Books, Audio Books, Art and Music Titles thus far. This Catalogue will be updated as new Authors, Artists and Musicians come on board.
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Kristina Toth
24 Characteristics of a Genius
This book is a discovery of the 24 common characteristics that have been found in the world 's greatest geniuses that have ever lived; Mozart, Einstein, Shakespeare, etc. One can develop these attributes by adopting and practicing them. They enable you to unlock your innate potential on a genius level for the actuality of feeling happy and living up to your potential. I CONGRATULATE YOU NOW FOR YOUR FUTURE AND SUCCESS.
Walking On Sunshine Is Your Destiny.
MEDIA NEWS These are the 24 genius characteristics that are presently used by the Fortune 500 companies and their executives which sets them apart from everyday people. -Mr. Burnett photojournalist
IMPORTANT NOTE The best explained and applicable definitions of Genius used in the modern world you will find are on the next pages. For the word's origin turn to the end of the book.
You might find interesting.
ART DIRECTOR'S NOTE Kris has a real eye for beauty. The stunning seascapes catch the vivid colors of the sunlight evoking emotion. She showcases her professional artistic value with a touch of love throughout this work of art.
- Ms. K.T Art Director
EDITOR’S NOTE Welcome to the inspirational world of wisdom and magic. Whenever, wherever knowledge and beauty can bring you happiness. You can make a better world. You can make this world assist you to succeed. Whether you have just graduated or you are an executive, a loving dad or a dear mom, you are unique. With a peace of mind and creative development, you can be a leader where dreams come true. With your unique pocket of sunshine and exceptional ability to know, you reach for happiness that you truly deserve! -published by Genius Feeling Enterprise THE DIRECTOR’S NOTE Believe me, in this book lies a treasure that now I share with you, that now belongs to you like the beauty and grace of nature itself. You can't stop the feeling once you start to enjoy your adventure of living. Welcome sunshine! - Kristina Toth Creative Director
The 24 Characteristics Of A Genius.
1. Drive. 2. Courage. 3. Devotion to goals. 4. Knowledge. 5. Honesty. 6. Optimism. 7. Ability to judge
8. Enthusiasm. 9. Willingness to take chances. 10. Dynamic energy. 11. Enterprise. 12. Persuasion
13. Outgoingness. 14. Ability to communicate. 15. Patience. 16. Perception.17. Perfectionism
18. Sense of humor. 19. Versatility. 20. Adaptability. 21. Curiosity.22. Individualism. 23. Idealism. 24. Imagination
© G e n i u sFe e l i n g . c o m
Shortened To Less Than 2000 Words
This book is a discovery of the 24 common characteristics that have been found in the world 's greatest geniuses that have ever lived; Mozart, Einstein, Shakespeare, etc. One can develop these attributes by adopting and practicing them. They enable you to unlock your innate potential on a genius level for the actuality of feeling happy and living up to your potential. I CONGRATULATE YOU NOW FOR YOUR FUTURE AND SUCCESS.
MEDIA NEWS These are the 24 genius characteristics that are presently used by the Fortune 500 companies and their executives which sets them apart from everyday people.
IMPORTANT NOTE The best explained and applicable definitions of Genius used in the modern world you will find are on the next pages. For the word's origin turn to the end of the book. You might find interesting.
Welcome to the inspirational world of wisdom and magic. Whenever, wherever knowledge and beauty can bring you happiness. Whether you have just graduated or you are an executive, a loving dad or a dear mom, you are unique. With a peace of mind and creative development, you can be a leader where dreams come true.
The 24 Characteristics Of A Genius.
1. Drive. 2. Courage. 3. Devotion to goals. 4. Knowledge. 5. Honesty. 6. Optimism. 7. Ability to judge
8. Enthusiasm. 9. Willingness to take chances. 10. Dynamic energy. 11. Enterprise. 12. Persuasion
13. Outgoingness. 14. Ability to communicate. 15. Patience. 16. Perception.17. Perfectionism
18. Sense of humor. 19. Versatility. 20. Adaptability. 21. Curiosity.22. Individualism. 23. Idealism. 24. Imagination
© G e n i u sFe e l i n g . c o m
$30 + gst
A Chance Gone By
She dreams of him at night, in secret. It hurts to be only his friend.
Justin’s engagement signals the end of hope. Marianne will never be his wife, though she runs his house like clockwork.
Disaster strikes, scandal looms. Dare she seize her chance?
Forced into offering his hand, Justin fumes when Marianne inexplicably rejects him. Their close friendship falls apart. Can he bear to watch her walk away?
Will either take steps to resolve the tangle? Or are they both condemned to a bleak and loveless future?
$30 + gst
A Common Sense Diet For All By Michael Jones
A Common Sense Diet Plan For All
Written to help you, the reader find a better path through the minefield of the modern food industry. It covers Processed foods, sugar, artificial sweeteners, additives, preservatives and many other food like products that are designed to make us want more. Tips on what to add and what to remove and, of course, why.
The book doesn't prescribe any particular diet of try to promote any particular doctrine but explores the different benefits and issues related to different diet.
The book also suggests better and healthier ways of eating to help get more out of life. There are explanations of various exercise options that are currently available, the pro's and cons of the different methodologies.
Ultimately the book is about giving the reader enough information to be able to start making more informed decisions about what they do with their body.
Michael P Jones
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A Winter's Madcap Escapade
A fugitive stranger with a shrouded past. Is she who she claims to be?
The runaway hiding in Lord Dymond’s coach pitchforks him into chaos when he decides to protect young Apple from her own folly.
How does the mysterious trust fit into her story? Will her mercenary guardians catch them up before the truth can be unravelled? Is the enigmatic lawyer Vergette a help or a hindrance?
Bow Street and an emerging ancient scandal promise disaster. Can Alex keep his protégée safe without compromising either of their futures?
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Here is another pastel work by Ronell Merrick
“All for What?” from the Journey of Illusions series, a pastel work by Ronell Merrick
We have wars and then we commemorate the dead with poppies but for what. These men have given their lives - “All for What?” just another war into the future and one day a war to end of all wars. What a pointless activity?
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A Pastel by Ronell Merrick.
This pastel was presented to Michael Rutherford of Genesis and Mike and the Mechanics at the Standard Bank arena in Johannesburg in 1995.. It was in honour of his song “Beggar on the Beach”
He took it back to England and the last we heard was that it was hanging in the Genesis Corporation Head Quarters buildings.
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Number Two - from the Soul Art series - by Damia - a work in oils on canvas - "Blinded by the Night.”
Are we really confronting what has to be done so that we end up with a wilderness filled full of wonderful creatures and animals or are our children destined to grow up in a motionless world devoid of the creatures and animals that they were destined to share the world with. The spirits of the night are crying out for us to help them before it is too late and we become - “Blinded by the night” and slip away into the darkness of irresponsibility.
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Bobelee and Boboya Synopsis
Christmas is here and Poppy and Willow can’t wait for Grandma to arrive. She brings them presents and also two elves who love being naughty.
Bobelee and Boboya like to hide very important things. Grandma knows how to outsmart them and teaches Poppy and Willow her secret. The elves won’t give up! Will the children ever be able to stop them?
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Hi, I am Anne-Marijke, I am the Director, principal coach
and facilitator of Red Berry Leadership Development. I have
spent my entire career developing leaders and potential
leaders in various industries across a few continents.
I started Red Berry Leadership Development to be able to
assist organisations and individuals to view their leadership
from a more holistic perspective, going beyond leadership
skills and develop themselves towards a healthy way of
being a leader. My passion is to help people to find the
courage and develop the skill to change their lives
fundamentally by making small, but key, changes.
Today’s world challenges the leader in us more than ever before. My programs help individuals
and organisations to develop what I call ‘anti-oxidants’ of leadership: those skills and strategies
that help minimise the damage challenges do and help you to be ‘healthy’ in every aspect of
your life. Together we will discover the power of taking small steps that result in big changes.
$30 + gst
Confessions Of A Niche Marketing Maniac
Who Else Wants To Learn The Crazy Secrets Of A Niche Marketing Maniac?
Are You Ready To Explode Or Start Your Niche Information Business On The Internet?
Hello My Friend,
My name is Vondre' Whaley, and I have cracked the code to selling information on the internet. I'm not some know-it-all who's been around for 20 years, but a good person, just like you, who has built a successful niche information business on the internet.
To put it plainly, I'm a niche marketing MANIAC!
And now ... I want to set the record straight.
If you're reading this letter, chances are you have asked the following questions.
How can I find the right products to sell on the internet?
How do I get people to visit my site and buy something?
How do I become the expert marketer instead of the other way around?
With my new course, "Confessions Of A Niche Marketing Maniac!," I'm spilling the beans to all who want to listen.
This course teaches amazing concepts that I've been using to make profits with simple niche websites like http://www.sellcakeslikecrazy.com. Some of these strategies have NEVER, EVER, been mentioned by anyone else.
Maybe you have tried selling internet marketing related products with NO LUCK?
May be you have created your own product and it’s simply not selling?
May be you don’t have a clue where and how to get started selling on the internet?
Confessions Of A Niche Marketing MANIAC provides cutting edge strategies and solutions to give you the "Real Deal" on internet marketing.
Here's what you'll learn in this course:
- You'll learn why it's important to sell in niche markets
- You'll learn the difference between a saturated and unsaturated niche market
- You'll learn how I discovered one of my niche sites
- You'll learn how to discover your own profitable niche markets
- You'll learn about the best type of products to sell
- You'll learn 4 incredible ways to get traffic to your site. One strategy has NEVER, EVER been mentioned before. It's completely cutting edge and works like CRAZY!
- You'll get all the notes from my conversation with an internet marketing multi-millionaire
- You'll learn how to create a VISION PLAN for your business to boost your profits even more
- You'll learn about 10 internet marketing "Eye Openers," that no one else is willing to tell you about the internet marketing industry
This product contains information that will give you a total mind shift towards making profits every single day on the internet.
Basically, I'm giving you a tour throughout my crazy mind revealing some of the best strategies and techniques you can start applying the second you finish studying this course!
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Art By Geoffrey White.
Dragon Fly
The lost history of the Amarkian Tri sectors includes
a reference to an alien race called the Emoy...
"The tower interceptors placed to block them by them
ended up being consumed in almighty fire by the Emoy
from their Amakian enemies...nothing is left but this tattered
space-book..." Historian's note: "...one should NEVER interfere with a power you are not familiar with!"
$30 + gst
Art By Geoffrey White. a VERY personal and special painting....a close artist friend asked me to complete a painting that he started....he passed away and I fulfilled my promise....he painting a Queensland Droving scene and I created an underworld of strangeness beneath his reality....the result is "Droving in the Mason Underworld"...his name was Wayne Jeffrey Mason and mine is Geoffrey Mason White...too much of a coincidence?
$30 + gst
E.Book-Writing Fast-Action Workbook
E.book Writing Fast Action Workbook Synopsis
Using this workbook will:
- eliminate stress and overwhelm
- give you the exact blueprint you need to be successful!
- keep you organized and on track
-and help you write your very own ebook!
Plus, you'll be able to use it every single time you want to write another ebook!
You don't have to reinvent the wheel each time you write an ebook. You'll have all the pertinent information at your fingertips so you can have the same look and feel for all of your ebooks for strong branding.
How does This Workbook Work?
It is divided into four sections.
-How to Use This Workbook
-Author's Information
-General Information on your eBook
-13 Steps to Writing your eBook
This workbook prompts you to come up with ideas and gives you a place to keep all of your information, so you can stay organized as you write. How you use this workbook is really up to you. It's got built-in flexibility with 7 tips for getting the most out of it.
The eBook Writing Fast-Action Workbook features:
-A way to record and save your information (ideas for other ebooks as well as all the technical information such as fonts, font size, page dimensions etc.)
-A place to keep your questions as you go through the book so you don't forget what you need help with.
- A system for organizing notes and ideas so you don't waste time looking for scraps of paper and writing your ebook step-by-step
-Questions that will guide you through the entire process from idea to completion.
What Makes This eBook Different?
While other people tell you what to do, this ebook uses the Socratic method and actually walks you through the process asking the questions you need to answer to succeed. And as you answer them, you'll be creating your ebook! It's like having your own personal coach!
As Tony Robbins says, "The quality of our lives depends on the quality of questions we ask." This ebook asks you all the right questions so that you get the answers you need to write an ebook that will make you money online.
Rave Reviews
What an incredible (workbook). It feels like "ebooks for dummies". The step-by-step, detailed, "how-to's" make it simple, possible, and map out a path. This gives me courage to go forth and write. I also like how results-oriented it is, keeping me on track from start to completion."
Rosanne D'Ausilio, Ph.D.
Consultant, Master Trainer, Author
"This is not just a tired old guide...but rather a dynamic sketchpad. It provides a framework. As an author and ghostwriter of articles, children's books, technical papers, special reports, marketing collateral, and "How-To" guides, I can say that the approach used here can help you get from start to book signing with the fewest hitches and glitches...Get it, and get published!
Kent Walters
If you're ready to write your ebook, but you don't know how to get started, or you've been writing ebooks, but finding that you need more organizational tools to reduce stress and simplify the process, this one-of-a-kind workbook is for you!
#1. When you look inside, you'll find a free special report: How to Find a HOT Topic for Your eBook!
#2. Once you purchase this time-saving workbook, you'll discover several extra bonuses including:
-How to Write a Killer Title for your eBook
-Where to get your book reviewed NOW!
-What it really costs to get started and a lot more!
Plus additional resources!
So, order your copy NOW!
$30 + gst
Number Four - From her Soul Art's series- a work in oils on canvas - by Damia - "Earth's Children.”
The children on this earth see the world in all its beautiful glory and to them that is the way they want it to stay and be for their children’s children’s children. Will that be the case. Upon what will that depend. What are we doing to help “Earth’s Children.” realise their future dreams?
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$30 + gst
Fierce Courage Synopsis:
The guards had spotted them! Moving forward was their only option. Bullets flew, cracking the frozen river around them. There was no going back now. Ivo would either reach freedom or die trying. Driven by courage and his desire to make a new life, Ivo must make a risky escape. Despite surviving the Civil War and World War II, he must now take the risk of a lifetime to escape his service in the Yugoslavian army. Running across the deadly and barren winter lands of Austria, his getaway soon leads to adventure as he comes to find romance, family and a home in Australia.
A new book by Gabriella Kovac based on a series of true events; written for the adventurer, the romantic and the history buff.
$30 + gst
Fly the Wild Echoes
‘Why do you stare from the window, Adelaide? I am waiting, but he does not come.’
Haunted by dread and shadows of tragedy, Fliss Gregory is driven to search for answers at a chateau retreat. Who is the strange “Adelaide”? What is the link between Fliss’s dead lover and the bullet hole of her recurring nightmare? Why is she afraid of the faded star Edana? And why is she drawn by the mysterious allure of the rose garden? As she and her therapist, Gérard, strive to unravel the dream, Fliss must delve into a past to which Edana seems to hold a vital key. Gérard resists the dangerous empathy between them as, together, he and Fliss peel away the layers to expose a shocking truth.
$30 + gst
An Incredible True Story of Survival Audacity and Deception from the Darkest Days of the Holocaust.
December 1944 whilst heavy snows fall over Budapest and soldiers battle for the streets, Georgina a young Jewish woman, is nearly starving to death with her new born son. The battle outside is one of the most savage in the entire war. She knows that to go into the streets is virtually a death sentence or rape, but she must find food within the next few hours or her baby will certainly die. For Georgina there is no choice.
Alone and completely vulnerable she heads out into the freezing cold. Georgina My Mother's Story is an incredible true story of one woman's bravery and daring in Hungary during the Holocaust and through the brutal communist regime beyond. It's the story of a carefree young woman thrust into the worst tragedy in human history- and emerging triumphant.
$30 + gst
Here is Number six in the Journey of Illusions series - a work of pastel - "Harmony for the World” by Ronell Merrick
From time immemorial music has filled out hearts, minds and souls with messages of hope and love. What a day it would be if this world were to start working in perfect harmony and all of mankind could start singing together and from the same piece of music. Let the universe echo with the sounds of peace and tolerance once again as we achieve the state of “Harmony for the World."
$30 + gst
How to Crush it in Business Without Crushing Your Spirit Synopsis.
3 Universal Laws to Help You Deal with Depression + 50 Reasons You Might Be Depressed in Your Business (Some Will Even Make You Laugh)
Have you ever been depressed in your business?
If so, you're not alone. While 7% of the general population in the United States is depressed, one study found 49% of entrepreneurs were depressed and it is believed that 30% of entrepreneurs are depressed overall.
This book was written to show entrepreneurs a way forward, so they can deal with business-related depression when it arises and overcome it. You'll laugh, you'll cry, and you'll learn a myriad of ways to beat depression and thrive in your business from 17 inspiring entrepreneurs including:
Willie Crawford - World Renown Internet Marketing Expert
Gary Loper - Social Media Expert Specializing in Twitter Training
Benita Tyler - "The Financial Messenger" for Healthy Cash Flow and Tax Savings
Julia Neiman - Youth Entrepreneur Coach and International Bestselling Author
Mary DeYon - Certified Emotion Code Practitioner and Certified Reiki Master
Wayne Buckhanan - Ph.D in Electrical Engineering & Teacher of University Level Engineering and Computer Science
Joy Pedersen - Spiritual Healer & Coach, & International Bestselling Author
Rick Cooper - MBA, Online Marketing and Social Media Trainer, Author, Speaker & Coach
Gerri Chambers - CEO of GC Dynamic Consulting, a Digital Marketing Company & #1 Bestselling Author
Kim Thornton - Animation Filmmaker, Family Blogger, and #1 Bestselling Author
Jillian Coleman Wheeler - Consultant, Speaker, Mentor, and Creator of "Reboot Your Bliss(TM)
Betsy M. Hall - Marketing Consultant and Mastermind Leader
Brooklyn Reyes - Stress-Reduction Coach
Christen Violette - Retired Hypnotherapist & Business Consultant, and Ellen Violette's Business Partner
Mary Latela - M. Div. (Yale) Educator, Pastoral Counselor and Author
Rufina James - Publisher, Educator, & Serial Entrepreneur
Ellen Violette - Literary Strategist & Publishing Expert & Multiple International Bestselling Author
This is a book that you will want to keep as a reference, so you can refer to it whenever you need it!
$30 + gst
How to Make Money Writing Quick Non-Fiction eBooks….Guaranteed!
Have you written an ebook, but it didn’t make any money?
Or, you wanted to write one, but you just didn’t know where to begin?
Maybe you’ve tried using one or more of the many ebooks or programs out there on how to write ebooks and failed. Don’t worry, if that’s the case, it’s not your fault.
Ellen Violette has been teaching people all around the world how to write quick non-fiction ebooks since 2004. In fact, she was the very first ebook coach! And many of her students came to her after failing to get the results they wanted with other “systems” from other coaches and so-called experts because their systems simply didn’t work!
But, it is not only possible to make money with ebooks, it’s easy when you do it the right way. It’s also a great strategy for building credibility and expert status and building a list of raving fans and lifetime buyers which leads to even more sales & bigger profits for you!
In this ebook, "How to Make Money Writing Quick Non-Fiction eBooks…Guaranteed, you’ll get the complete step-by-step blueprint that has turned frustrated writers into successful and best-selling authors in just days!
It’s Easier Than You Think!
Most people think that writing an ebook or a book is hard because so many authors labor for months and even years trying to write one! They overwhelm themselves by approaching it the wrong way.
And many seem to think that they should just KNOW how to do it without any guidance. But, somebody taught them how to ride a bike and how to drive a car….well it’s the same thing with ebook writing. It’s a learned process.
And, once you learn it, you’ll be able to make money writing ebooks EVERY SINGLE TIME you write one!
Follow This Step-By-Step PROVEN eBook Writing System for FAST Results!
"How to Write a Quick Non-fiction eBook…Guaranteed"
Here is a preview of what you’ll discover:
•How to Stand Out from the Crowd so your eBook has NO Competition!
•How to Find the Best Topic for YOUR ebook (It’s not one-size fits all!)
•Insider secrets to FAST eBook Writing!
•How to Write a Killer Title that Connects with your Audience and Sells your eBook for You!
•How to Organize your eBook so it Practically Writes Itself!
•How to Double, Triple, or even Quadruple your Profits from your eBook!
•How to Finish, Format & Publish your eBook Without Any Guesswork!
•How to Optimize your Kindle eBook Description to Maximize Sales
•How to Build your Own Self-Publishing Platform for Even MORE Sales & Bigger Profits!
•How to Sell Hundreds of eBooks at a Time!
And much more!
You CAN write an eBook that makes you money with this PROVEN system for FAST authoring!
Download your copy and discover how TODAY!
$30 + gst
$30 + gst
$30 + gst
In Honour Bound
Orphaned. Abandoned in a house of strangers.
Forced into ladylike conduct. Berated for mistakes. Unhappy and lonely, Isolde turns to her guardian for support. Is Richard’s kindness enough?
Struggling with his father’s legacy. Appalled to find his ward related to his worst enemy. Will Richard save Isolde or use her for his own ends?
And what of his jealous sister? Will her vicious machinations prevail?
Destiny may fail both hearts before the spark between them has a chance to catch fire.
$30 + gst
Knight for a Lady
Weakened by fever. Menaced by a man she loathes. Desperately in need of rescue.
Chafed at losing his soldiering life. Burdened with an earldom he did not want.
But when Niall discovers the vicar’s niece in dire straits, he is distracted into playing the knight errant. Edith, wary of trusting any man, yet succumbs to Niall’s unconscious charm. Beset by terrorising tactics, belittled by lies, dare she dream of a promising future? Or will Kilshaw’s terrible plans for her prevail?
Can Niall slay the dragon and overcome the shadow of the past? Or will Edith’s dark and dismaying secret end all hope?
$30 + gst
$30 + gst
Number four from the Journey of Illusions collection is “Life’s Treasures a pastel work by Ronell Merrick
Life has many treasures and we must be vigilant that we do not waste them or run out of time before we can enjoy them. Our treasure chest is open but we have to see it for ourselves before it becomes too late.
$30 + gst
10 Simple Tricks For Getting Noticed On Linkedin By Russell Ward.
Sarah Ward | Executive Director | Training & Business Development | The International Writer Sydney +61 2 8007 4551 | Vancouver +1 604 992 3970 | sarah@theinternationalwriter.com
$30 + gst
“ Listen More Sell More grabs the reader by the lapels and insists on being put into action. The unique format makes Ronald Joseph Kule and Arte Maren’s sales-training book series simple, direct, easily absorbed, and applied. Readers will actually sell better, sell easier and, perhaps like the authors, come to sell artfully."
$30 + gst
Volume Two follows up on the Basics of Volume One, providing more applicable data for handling and controlling prospects within the sales cycle of action, or Sales Communication as we have defined it in Volume One. Brand new practical drills identify and enhance new skills for selling. As with the first volume, there is a complete training course built into the book. And the book and course can be used as the basis for sales workshops delivered by the authors anywhere in the world on request.
$30 + gst
Marriage for Music
A fortune at stake if he does not marry now. Almost anyone will do.
Intrigued by the dissolute Lord Wintringham and with nothing but drudgery in store, Lily Daubney dares to contemplate his desperate offer. Sanity prevails. But Vincent’s persistence lands her in so much hot water she has no option but to marry him.
Delighted with her reward of a fine pianoforte, Lily rapidly discovers the perils of her bargain. Impossibly selfish, treading a path to perdition, Vince seems wholly irreclaimable. Is Lily’s growing desire to reform him doomed to failure? Or will her unexpected influence turn disaster into happiness?
$30 + gst
$30 + gst
$30 + gst
The secret to managing people in any environment, from very small businesses to large corporations, is the understanding of this elusive things called “performance”. What is actually being produced? If you really know how to work with this, a whole range of management issues and “secrets” start to fall apart to reveal simplicities that will blow your mind. In this book “Performance Management Made Easy” (also called “The Overworked Manager’s Rescue Package”), you will learn some very practical solutions that will make your life as a manager much more bearable.
- Firstly, understanding what performance is and how to recognise a top performer is very important. The first section deals with how to recognise the “good ones”.
- Next, you will learn some very practical information on how to hire good people, including the sort of ads to write and how to get references that are meaningful.
- Having hired someone good, you need to get them oriented and started in the most efficient way. Job descriptions are vital here, but there’s something even more valuable that you need to know about.
- Managing the day-to-day performance, making sure your good people are not destroyed by vindictive office politics and doing some effective things to ensure your good people stay with you. These are all addressable under the banner of “performance”.
- Motivation is important, but does that mean giving bonuses and running hyped up meetings? Find out what works best here.
- Appraisals are often considered a difficult and onerous task for any manager. How would you like to be in a situation where you actually look forward to giving appraisals to your people?
- Terminating employees can be very distasteful. Some managers actually lose sleep over this. But there is a way to fire people that is not unpleasant at all.
- Finally, there are many side issues that come up in managing people, like dress codes, working from home, staff training and personal problems that impinge on the work place. Here there are a selection of solutions to all these type of things – all based on understanding what performance actually means.
Performance management really can be “easy”. It’s all a matter of understanding what performance is and how to use it in your everyday operations.
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The first book, Young World Travelers and the Magical Crystal Globe, kicks off the adventures from Tarpon Springs, Florida, to Queens, New York. The educational aspect along with the uplifting camaraderie combine to offer a new form of learning: edu-tainment!
“Demetra Tsavaris-Lecourezos outdoes herself on her latest book, Ready, Set, OPA!, in which she takes her readers on a literary adventure to Greece. The book’s syntax and rich, historical context is impressive. Readers will feel like they have visited Greece themselves after learning about the country’s important monuments and other history. This literary project is warm and heartfelt! Ms. Lecourezos is like fine wine, where she only gets better with time.” — Markos Papadatos, Editor at Large, Digital Journal “Demetra’s exciting tales take young readers on the ride of their lives. The magic jumps off the pages and into their hearts, while enriching their minds with a wealth of knowledge. These books are must-reads for the adventurer in all of us!” — Nick Katsoris, author of the award-winning Loukoumi book series
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Introducing Real Easy eBooks, 8 Ways to Write or Repurpose Content into a Successful eBook!
The Complete Blueprint To Writing & Repurposing eBooks The Fast & Easy Way!
I put this ebook together with one goal in mind…
To show anyone who wants to become an author how easy it is to put an ebook together (In fact, you may already have one and not even know it!)
And once you see how to create your ebook, you may be SHOCKED at how close you already are to becoming a published author, and not just once, but over and over again!
You’ll be able to start using your ebooks for giveaways or selling them for a nice profit!
And the more ebooks you have, the more money you can make and it’s PASSIVE INCOME!
In this exciting ebook, you’ll hear from 3 tops experts on 8 ways to create your ebooks FAST!
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Number seven - from the Journey of Illusions collection - a work in pastels - "Some industrialists." by Ronell Merrick
We all live in a world where there are problems of all sizes and descriptions and where poverty abounds and yet we have some Industrialists who are unable or unwilling to hear, see or speak to anyone about these problems. They have all the money and resources but yet do nothing as our world dwindles away. “Some Industrialists"
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Number eight form the Journey of Illusions collection - "Start Again." by Ronell Merrick
We walk through life and try to wash away our fears and failures but somehow we keep seeing a reflection of them in every place we dare to look. Could there be a way to “Start Again.” Can that ship of dreams still exist and come into dock for you. Only you know when and how you can “Start Again.” By looking back is going to get you nowhere. You need to look to the future.
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The Angry Displaced Owl By Emma White.
One day we came out of the house to find this owl who was sleeping on the spare tire of our car. He had been displaced from his home by the non stop destruction of his local habitat by humans taking his home. Some of the proceeds from the sale of this painting will go to helping wildlife recover from the endless destruction of their habitat.
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The Linkedin Playbook - Contacts to Customers - Engage, Connect, Convert.
About this book
LinkedIn now hosts half a billion of the world’s movers and shakers with two new profiles being created every second of every day!
The Linkedin Playbook gives the step-by-step process to build an effective pipeline of leads, clients and sales for the people creating those profiles and joining LinkedIn.
Over 2,000 hours of research has gone into perfecting the process outlined in this book. The methodology outlined is currently being used by our clients in multiple industries in Australia, New Zealand, USA, Singapore, Dubai and The UK.
As an owner or CEO of 6 businesses across a range of industries in the past 30 years (from Sports Leisure, Boating, Management Rights, Finance, Manufacturing and Social Media Management) Adam understands the power of an effective lead generation and sales tool.
LinkedIn is simply the best option for reaching out to your ideal clients, bypassing gatekeepers and getting the sale. Yet it requires a specific process of nurturing and providing value along the way.
Inside you discover:
- The power of Social Serving versus Social Selling
- How to position yourself with Preeminence
- How to set out your profile to speak to your ideal clients in a voice they understand
- How to and when to connect, engage and convert prospects in a professional manner
- How to write your own scripts that work
- The rookie mistakes you simply must avoid
The LinkedIn Playbook is the answer the small business community is looking for to build a functional and effective lead generation tool that, once put in place, serves them for years to come.
Title: The Linkedin Playbook - Contacts to Customers - Engage, Connect, Convert.
Author – Adam Houlahan
Publication Date – TBA
The business world around the globe has experienced more upheaval in the last 5 years than at almost anytime in history.
But that upheaval and disruption has come not through recessions or government actions (or INaction!) The phenomenon is, of course, the Internet.
Its impact has been and continues to be ubiquitous and profound. It has enabled what were once small or local industries and operators to reach out to the world. No longer can businesses define their competition by geographical boundaries or a level playing field in which all players are bound by the same rules.
Major disrupters such as Uber, AIRBNB, Netflix and Alibaba are turning what were once considered A-grade business models into relics of the past.
That impact will continue even more rapidly in the next five years. For many it will mean an even tougher business environment. There will be ever more disrupters emerging and then becoming nimble and agile businesses dominating markets. There will be start-ups with savvy entrepreneurial backing becoming over night successes.
Adam Houlahan can attest to the tidal wave of change that has taken place. He’s had a background in business management spanning 30 years across six industries as a business owner, General Manager & CEO.
Adam Houlahan can attest to the tidal wave of change that has taken place. In 2010 he recognised the inevitable domination the internet will now plays in the daily lives of small business owners. He began researching how the large corporations with deep pockets were using Social Media to stay ahead of the game and in 2014 he released his first book ‘Social Media Secret Sauce’ which is still considered one of the best ‘play books’ on social media.
Adam has shown how Linkedin emerged as one of the power houses in the on-line space for business leads and sales. The LinkedIn Playbook is the culmination of 5 years of research, testing and on-line success for himself and his clients. He has developed an impressive process that anyone can use to gain a never-ending stream of leads, clients and sales.
In this new book, Adam identifies 6 Key requirements that are the recipe for (and the hitherto secret ingredients for) success.
- The power of Social Serving V's Social Selling
- How to position yourself with Preeminance
- How to set out your profile to speak to your ideal clients in a voice they understand
- How to and when to connect, engage and convert prospects in a professional manner
- How to write your own scripts that work
- The 7 rookie mistakes you simply must avoid
6 Key areas that he covers in The LinkedIn Playbook:
- Starting with your 'Why”
In the words of Simon Sinek, “People don't buy what we do they buy WHY we do it” Your why underpins everything. Starting with your why is a critical step before you start creating your strategy.
- Social Serving v Social Selling
We are constantly inundated with marketing concepts, ‘social selling’ is one of the latest buzz phrases. Social selling is the process of developing relationships as part of the sales process. Social Serving is taking this concept to another level and builds relationships that take your contacts to customers, and desperate to work with you.
- You get what you give
Imagine if every time someone connects with you on LinkedIn a person in need received the gift of education. By simply purchasing a copy of the LinkedIn Play Book you too will make this happen. The gift of giving is a powerful concept utilised in the social serving framework.
- The importance your profile plays
Getting your profile found is just the first step, once your profile has been found you have three seconds to convince this person to read more. When you optimise your profile using the methodology outlined in the Play Book your “Call to Actions” will be read a staggering 327% more often.
- Preparing for Success “If you fail to plan, you plan to fail”
What you do before you start makes or breaks your success. You simply must get the pre launch phase right. Planning every step ensures you convert more contacts to customers in the shortest possible time.
- The Power of the Law of Reciprocity
Social psychologists have known of this phenomenon for many years, harnessing the Law of Reciprocity and implementing it into your social serving strategy is one of the major factors to LinkedIn success.
About Adam Houlahan
Adam Houlahan is an International Keynote Speaker specialising in Social Media for business, and CEO of the highly successful boutique agency, Web Traffic That Works. He lives in Australia's famous tourist destination the Gold Coast Queensland, and is considered to be one of Australia's leading experts in harnessing the power of Linkedin for business. Over 3,000 people globally have sought his skill and insights to leverage the power of LinkedIn for their businesses.
Adam is also a featured columnist for MOB Magazine, an Australian National Business publication. He consults on Social Media to private clients in Australia, New Zealand, North America, The Middle East and Singapore. His work as CEO and owner of 6 successful companies has given him the hands-on experience to understand business from the inside.
Adam believes real and meaningful change comes through the world’s entrepreneurs. His purpose is to provide their businesses with powerful tools to grow and accelerate their global footprint. And that together we make a huge impact!
Through his Lifetime Partnership with the Global Giving Initiative B1G1 www.B1G1.com he is well on track to positively impact the lives of more than 1 million people in need.
Contact Details
Direct Mobile – 0412 766649
Email - mail@adamhoulahan.com
Address - PO Box 786 Surfers Paradise Qld 4217
Web – www.adamhoulahan.com
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This inspirational little book explains the Game of Life and shows you how you can manifest whatever you desire in your life.
Through simple explanations of how universal laws work, Wayne Porter shows you how thoughts and vibrations are affecting what you attract in your life, and how you can improve upon your desired outcomes by partnering with the Universe to win the Game of Life.
As Wayne says, “I wrote this book to sort out how ideas I had read about and figured out, actually applied to the world we live in. This is how I believe immortal beings living in a physical universe made up of vibration actually manifest in that world. How life actually functions.”
Excerpt from book: “If Life is indeed a game, why then do we sometimes fail to get what we want? How could that happen?
Imagine playing a game and:
- You always hit a home run.
- You always get the touchdown.
- You always get a royal flush.
How fun would a game be if you knew, that no matter what, you would win. Sure you might find it fun the first few times or maybe the first few hundred times but you would get bored of it pretty quickly.
Just as in a game that we know we made up like football or chess, we want the obstacles to make it interesting. There has to be another team. You can't just make the ball appear in the end zone. It has to have just the right ratio of liberties and obstacles to keep us wanting to play. And we have to want the end result.
Now just because you know all the rules of a game doesn't mean you are actually going to win. Someone who knows all the rules of football is not automatically a great player.
Life is all manner of games. Big games, small games, medium games, silly games, serious games. Life is like a set of Russian nesting dolls of games. Games inside games next to other games. By applying the knowledge and simple strategies laid out in this book, you can gain more happiness, confidence and control of your life.”
Wayne Porter is a writer, photographer and filmmaker living in the mountains of Western North Carolina near Asheville. In previous lives he has has been a restaurant manager, teacher, creative director, human resources manager and a marketing and business consultant specializing in the Law of Attraction.
He is married to writer/designer Mandy Wildman, has three children, three dogs, a cat and about a dozen chickens. One child is studying to be an aerospace engineer and the other two are in Middle School.
Wayne has written or co written several short and feature length films as well as writing, directing and producing “Sanderson County” which has become somewhat of a cult classic among indie film enthusiasts.
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Number Ten - From the Journey of Illusions series - a work in pastels -"Trapped in Deception." by Ronell Merrick
There are days when you cannot blame yourself for feeling spun in and feeling like we are part of a tapestry where there is no way out, but who or what is the weaver behind this sinister work. Is there a way that we can unravel ourselves and see the lights of freedom again. Maybe the joker is a lot closer than we think. Maybe the joker is you?
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Number Ten - From the Journey of Illusions series - a work in pastels -"Trapped in Deception." by Ronell Merrick
There are days when you cannot blame yourself for feeling spun in and feeling like we are part of a tapestry where there is no way out, but who or what is the weaver behind this sinister work. Is there a way that we can unravel ourselves and see the lights of freedom again. Maybe the joker is a lot closer than we think. Maybe the joker is you?
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Wealth For The Workers Is A Complete Handbook Of Easy To Read, Understand And Apply, Life Changing, Relatable And Specific Items Of Information That Can Put You And Your Business (if you own one) On The Right Track To Having True Power And Abundance In Your Life.
These Basic And Indisputable Laws Of Success and Laws Of Attraction, Have Been Extremely Carefully And Very Thoughtfully Plucked From The Never-ending, And Tsunami Age Of Information That We Now Live In. The Book Give You The Clear Facts On What It Will Actually Take For You To Succeed.
This Information Has Had All The Bias Or Vested Interests Stripped Out And Thrown Away. It Can Be Applied To Any Business. It Has Purposely Been Written And Shared In Such A Way To Finally Enable You To Clearly Understand And Rapidly Accomplish The Paradigm Shifts In Your Thinking And Doingness That You Will Have To Make Without Fail Before You Have Any Hope Of Flourishing Or Prospering In Your Life.
Some People In Reading This Book Will Buck, Weave, Turn And Try In Any Way That Is Possible To Escape The Truths Within.
Why? Because No Matter What, One Day After Going Away, Going Around And Around In Circles Trying Other Ways To Succeed And Wasting A Lot Of Their Precious Time, They Will Finally Come To Realise Whether They Learn Or Discover Them From Me Or Not, That These Rules And Laws Of Success Are Unbreakable And If They Truly Want Success They Will Have To Follow These Ways Of The Rich And Powerful Or They Simply Will Not Succeed In Life. It's That Simple.
I have written the book in this way not to deliberately upset or make anyone angry but because after a lifetime of chasing and following all the other trickery and lies that are out there that it is Completely Pointless To Follow Any Other Way.
My purpose for writing the book is to help anyone anywhere in the world to succeed in life whether I get to meet them or not or whether they are in the Wealth For The Workers' Team Or Not.
My purpose for creating the Wealth For The Workers team is because I care very deeply about helping the people of the world to have a better life.
Kind Regards Derek White
Founder Wealth For The Workers.
$30 + gst
What's Wrong with Your Novel? And How to Fix It
Sitting on a first draft because you’re not sure it’s good enough?
Know there’s something not quite right but not sure what?
Somewhat pleased with what you’ve written but having doubts?
Desperate for guidance but can’t afford an editor’s fees?
Worry not! Help is at hand.
Get the skinny on giving your novel PTQ (page turning quality).
This guide gets straight down to the nitty-gritty, with minimal preliminaries. What are the most common problems? How do you fix them? It’s as simple as don’t do that, do this.
Straight from the shoulder easy to follow advice from Elizabeth Bailey
Author of 20 novels traditionally published, 15 indie published and counting, as well as a novella, short stories, plays, articles, blogs and ghost writing as well as numerous critique reports for other writers on their novels.
$30 + gst
By Alfred Bellanti
This book is for you if you want:
•Relief from anxiety
•To prevent panic attacks
•To speak or present in public
•To learn how to reduce symptoms of anxiety
•To learn about overcoming phobias and different kinds of anxiety disorders.
$30 + gst
Kristina Toth
24 Characteristics of a Genius
This book is a discovery of the 24 common characteristics that have been found in the world 's greatest geniuses that have ever lived; Mozart, Einstein, Shakespeare, etc. One can dev
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$30 + gst
A Chance Gone By
She dreams of him at night, in secret. It hurts to be only his friend.
Justin’s engagement signals the end of hope. Marianne will never be his wife, though she runs his house like clockwork.
Disaster strikes, scandal looms. Dare she seize her chance?
Forced into offering his hand, Justin fumes when Marianne inexplicably rejects him. Their close friendship falls apart. Can
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A Common Sense Diet For All By Michael Jones
A Common Sense Diet Plan For All
Written to help you, the reader find a better path through the minefield of the modern food industry. It covers Processed foods, sugar, artificial sweeteners, additives, preservatives and many other food like products that are designed to make us want more. Tips on what to add and what to remove and, of course, why.
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Art By Geoffrey White. A Native Plant is about a woman...beautiful to look at and gorgeous to touch...but beware the thorns.....
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A Winter's Madcap Escapade
A fugitive stranger with a shrouded past. Is she who she claims to be?
The runaway hiding in Lord Dymond’s coach pitchforks him into chaos when he decides to protect young Apple from her own folly.
How does the mysterious trust fit into her story? Will her mercenary guardians catch them up before the truth can be unravelled? Is the enigmatic lawyer Vergette
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Here is another pastel work by Ronell Merrick
“All for What?” from the Journey of Illusions series, a pastel work by Ronell Merrick
We have wars and then we commemorate the dead with poppies but for what. These men have given their lives - “All for What?” just another war into the future and one day a war to end of all wars. What a pointless activity?
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A Pastel by Ronell Merrick.
This pastel was presented to Michael Rutherford of Genesis and Mike and the Mechanics at the Standard Bank arena in Johannesburg in 1995.. It was in honour of his song “Beggar on the Beach”
He took it back to England and the last we heard was that it was hanging in the Genesis Corporation Head Quarters buildings.
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Number Two - from the Soul Art series - by Damia - a work in oils on canvas - "Blinded by the Night.”
Are we really confronting what has to be done so that we end up with a wilderness filled full of wonderful creatures and animals or are our children destined to grow up in a motionless world devoid of the creatures and animals that they were destined to share the world with. The spirits of
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Bobelee and Boboya Synopsis
Christmas is here and Poppy and Willow can’t wait for Grandma to arrive. She brings them presents and also two elves who love being naughty.
Bobelee and Boboya like to hide very important things. Grandma knows how to outsmart them and teaches Poppy and Willow her secret. The elves won’t give up! Will the children ever be able to stop them?
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Number two from the Soul Art Series - by Damia - a work in oils on canvas - "Breathless.”
We have air to breath and we have a world of oceans and trees that can give us more and more air to breath but if we carry on the way that we are how long will it be before we all become "Breathless."
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Hi, I am Anne-Marijke, I am the Director, principal coach
and facilitator of Red Berry Leadership Development. I have
spent my entire career developing leaders and potential
leaders in various industries across a few continents.
I started Red Berry Leadership Development to be able to
assist organisations and individuals to view their leadership
from a more holistic perspective, going beyond leade
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Confessions Of A Niche Marketing Maniac
Who Else Wants To Learn The Crazy Secrets Of A Niche Marketing Maniac?
Are You Ready To Explode Or Start Your Niche Information Business On The Internet?
Hello My Friend,
My name is Vondre' Whaley, and I have cracked the code to selling information on the internet. I'm not some know-it-all who's been around for 20 years, but a good pe
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Inspirational Quotes Volume 1 Tess Martin
Quotes written from the heart, inclusive of the spiritual energies love and light to heal, restore, replenish our lives of stress and anxiety in a busy world in which we live.
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Daily Inspirational Quotes Volume 2 By Tess Martin
Daily inspirational quotes, we live in a Global World of challenges. My quotes are to inspire and connect to people’s hearts, the heart of love and compassion, where your being is enlightened by the infusion of God.
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* How to become more objective about depression so you can overcome it
* How to lift yourself out of your current depression
* What you can do to help yourself
* Ways that have been proven to increase happiness
*Types of treatment available.
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Art By Geoffrey White. Born of the danger of fire in the Australian Bush and my love of birds..."Run for your life Desert Runner...death you bring to those you hunt and dead you will be if the fire catches you!"
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Art By Geoffrey White. "Desert Vision"
"The carnival is about to begin.
The Ringmaster arrived in a dirty disguise.
If you look closely, the Galactic Clowns are there.
Just use your three eyes..."
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Art By Geoffrey White.
Dragon Fly
The lost history of the Amarkian Tri sectors includes
a reference to an alien race called the Emoy...
"The tower interceptors placed to block them by them
ended up being consumed in almighty fire by the Emoy
from their Amakian enemies...nothing is left but this tattered
space-book..." Historian's note: "...one should NEVER interfere with a powe
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Art By Geoffrey White. a VERY personal and special painting....a close artist friend asked me to complete a painting that he started....he passed away and I fulfilled my promise....he painting a Queensland Droving scene and I created an underworld of strangeness beneath his reality....the result is "Droving in the Mason Underworld"...his name was Wayne Jeffrey Mason and mine is Geoffrey
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E.Book-Writing Fast-Action Workbook
E.book Writing Fast Action Workbook Synopsis
Using this workbook will:
- eliminate stress and overwhelm
- give you the exact blueprint you need to be successful!
- keep you organized and on track
-and help you write your very own ebook!
Plus, you'll be able to use it every single time you want to write another ebook!
You don't have to reinvent the wh
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Number Four - From her Soul Art's series- a work in oils on canvas - by Damia - "Earth's Children.”
The children on this earth see the world in all its beautiful glory and to them that is the way they want it to stay and be for their children’s children’s children. Will that be the case. Upon what will that depend. What are we doing to help “Earth’s Children.” realise t
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Number Nine - From the Journey of Illusions series - a work in pastels - by Ronell Merrick - "Earth's Illusions Here?”
So what is this world - (really) -that we live in. Could this be a holograph and we are in it and simply living through “Earth’s Illusion Here?”
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Fierce Courage Synopsis:
The guards had spotted them! Moving forward was their only option. Bullets flew, cracking the frozen river around them. There was no going back now. Ivo would either reach freedom or die trying. Driven by courage and his desire to make a new life, Ivo must make a risky escape. Despite surviving the Civil War and World War II, he must now take the risk of a lifetime to es
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Fly the Wild Echoes
‘Why do you stare from the window, Adelaide? I am waiting, but he does not come.’
Haunted by dread and shadows of tragedy, Fliss Gregory is driven to search for answers at a chateau retreat. Who is the strange “Adelaide”? What is the link between Fliss’s dead lover and the bullet hole of her recurring nightmare? Why is she afraid of the faded star Edana? And why i
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An Incredible True Story of Survival Audacity and Deception from the Darkest Days of the Holocaust.
December 1944 whilst heavy snows fall over Budapest and soldiers battle for the streets, Georgina a young Jewish woman, is nearly starving to death with her new born son. The battle outside is one of the most savage in the entire war. She knows that to go into the streets is virtually a death sen
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Here is Number six in the Journey of Illusions series - a work of pastel - "Harmony for the World” by Ronell Merrick
From time immemorial music has filled out hearts, minds and souls with messages of hope and love. What a day it would be if this world were to start working in perfect harmony and all of mankind could start singing together and from the same piece of music. Let the universe
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How to Crush it in Business Without Crushing Your Spirit Synopsis.
3 Universal Laws to Help You Deal with Depression + 50 Reasons You Might Be Depressed in Your Business (Some Will Even Make You Laugh)
Have you ever been depressed in your business?
If so, you're not alone. While 7% of the general population in the United States is depressed, one study found 49% of entrepreneurs were depress
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How to Make Money Writing Quick Non-Fiction eBooks….Guaranteed!
Have you written an ebook, but it didn’t make any money?
Or, you wanted to write one, but you just didn’t know where to begin?
Maybe you’ve tried using one or more of the many ebooks or programs out there on how to write ebooks and failed. Don’t worry, if that’s the case, it’s not your fault.
Ellen Violette has been te
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Number one from the "Soul Art” Series - in oils on canvas - by Damia - "Home"
I wonder how our civilisation is reflected in the eyes of the other ones out there? Are we going to make it as a race or will we end up as a memory in the tears of the other ones. I want to go “Home"
$30 + gst
Sarah Hopkins
Definitely Health and Well-being. Synopsis: This E Book provides healthy ideas for breakfast, lunch, dinner and snacks. Eating wholesome nutrient dense foods is the foundation of wellness.
$30 + gst
In Honour Bound
Orphaned. Abandoned in a house of strangers.
Forced into ladylike conduct. Berated for mistakes. Unhappy and lonely, Isolde turns to her guardian for support. Is Richard’s kindness enough?
Struggling with his father’s legacy. Appalled to find his ward related to his worst enemy. Will Richard save Isolde or use her for his own ends?
And what of his jealous sister? Will her vicio
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$30 + gst
Knight for a Lady
Weakened by fever. Menaced by a man she loathes. Desperately in need of rescue.
Chafed at losing his soldiering life. Burdened with an earldom he did not want.
But when Niall discovers the vicar’s niece in dire straits, he is distracted into playing the knight errant. Edith, wary of trusting any man, yet succumbs to Niall’s unconscious charm. Beset by terrorising tacti
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Synopsis of Life in Co-Motion by David Janneman
An Anthology of poems written over a period nearly two decades by a South African young man coming of age and gaining wisdom through life experiences captured in poetic composition.
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Number four from the Journey of Illusions collection is “Life’s Treasures a pastel work by Ronell Merrick
Life has many treasures and we must be vigilant that we do not waste them or run out of time before we can enjoy them. Our treasure chest is open but we have to see it for ourselves before it becomes too late.
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10 Simple Tricks For Getting Noticed On Linkedin By Russell Ward.
Sarah Ward | Executive Director | Training & Business Development | The International Writer Sydney +61 2 8007 4551 | Vancouver +1 604 992 3970 | sarah@theinternationalwriter.com
$30 + gst
“ Listen More Sell More grabs the reader by the lapels and insists on being put into action. The unique format makes Ronald Joseph Kule and Arte Maren’s sales-training book series simple, direct, easily absorbed, and applied. Readers will actually sell better, sell easier and, perhaps like the authors, come to sell artfully."
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Volume Two follows up on the Basics of Volume One, providing more applicable data for handling and controlling prospects within the sales cycle of action, or Sales Communication as we have defined it in Volume One. Brand new practical drills identify and enhance new skills for selling. As with the first volume, there is a complete training course built into the book. And the book and course ca
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Marriage for Music
A fortune at stake if he does not marry now. Almost anyone will do.
Intrigued by the dissolute Lord Wintringham and with nothing but drudgery in store, Lily Daubney dares to contemplate his desperate offer. Sanity prevails. But Vincent’s persistence lands her in so much hot water she has no option but to marry him.
Delighted with her reward of a fine pianoforte,
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$30 + gst
Maypole Magic Author: Tess Martin
An enchanting story for children of mystery. Down the undulating hills, which lead to a house of intrigue, where a child brings characters to life. A magical mystical journey where time stops for a moment where there reader becomes the character.
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Number Five - from the her Soul Art Series - "Michael." by Damia - a work in oils on canvas
“ Michael is self explanatory. Angels have no real gender. They have a beauty within themselves far beyond anything that we can imagine.
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The secret to managing people in any environment, from very small businesses to large corporations, is the understanding of this elusive things called “performance”. What is actually being produced? If you really know how to work with this, a whole range of management issues and “secrets” start to fall apart to reveal simplicities that will blow your mind. In this book “Performance Mana
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$30 + gst
The first book, Young World Travelers and the Magical Crystal Globe, kicks off the adventures from Tarpon Springs, Florida, to Queens, New York. The educational aspect along with the uplifting camaraderie combine to offer a new form of learning: edu-tainment!
“Demetra Tsavaris-Lecourezos outdoes herself on her latest book, Ready, Set, OPA!, in which she takes her readers on a literary adventure
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$30 + gst
Introducing Real Easy eBooks, 8 Ways to Write or Repurpose Content into a Successful eBook!
The Complete Blueprint To Writing & Repurposing eBooks The Fast & Easy Way!
I put this ebook together with one goal in mind…
To show anyone who wants to become an author how easy it is to put an ebook together (In fact, you may already have one and not even know it!)
And once you see how to cr
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$30 + gst
100 Inspirational Down To Earth, Step By Step Ways To Save Money Whilst You Spend Without Compromising Your Lifestyle.
$30 + gst
"Who Else Wants to Make INCREASED Profits Almost Instantly Selling eBooks Using These Proven,
Easy-To-Follow, Low-Cost &
No-Cost eBook Marketing Tactics?"
$30 + gst
Number seven - from the Journey of Illusions collection - a work in pastels - "Some industrialists." by Ronell Merrick
We all live in a world where there are problems of all sizes and descriptions and where poverty abounds and yet we have some Industrialists who are unable or unwilling to hear, see or speak to anyone about these problems. They have all the money and resources but yet do
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$30 + gst
Number eight form the Journey of Illusions collection - "Start Again." by Ronell Merrick
We walk through life and try to wash away our fears and failures but somehow we keep seeing a reflection of them in every place we dare to look. Could there be a way to “Start Again.” Can that ship of dreams still exist and come into dock for you. Only you know when and how you can “Start A
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$30 + gst
The Angry Displaced Owl By Emma White.
One day we came out of the house to find this owl who was sleeping on the spare tire of our car. He had been displaced from his home by the non stop destruction of his local habitat by humans taking his home. Some of the proceeds from the sale of this painting will go to helping wildlife recover from the endless destruction of their habitat.
$30 + gst
Art By Geoffrey White.
The Dreamtree is inspired by a poem by Samuel Taylor Coleridge...and the Morton Bay Fig trees in Victoria and Hyde Parks in Sydney.. "A savage place! as holy and enchanted
As e'er beneath a waning monn was haunted
By woman wailing for her demon-lover!"
Samuel Taylor Coleridge
$30 + gst
The Linkedin Playbook - Contacts to Customers - Engage, Connect, Convert.
About this book
LinkedIn now hosts half a billion of the world’s movers and shakers with two new profiles being created every second of every day!
The Linkedin Playbook gives the step-by-step process to build an effective pipeline of leads, clients and sales for the people creating those profiles a
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$30 + gst
The Natural Laws of Management – The Admin Scale by Arte Maren
Arte Maren utilizes L. Ron Hubbard's Administrative Scale of Importance to help readers align their lives, energies and actions to more effectively manage both business and life situations.
$30 + gst
Art By Geoffrey White. The Sleeper has Awakened........The Sleeper awoke to his true love waiting. He dropped a seed by his side
and waited a moment....and the fires began and she woke to sound of chanting...awakening spirits in nature and in life....lonely planet....becoming spirit...
$30 + gst
Art By Geoffrey White. The Triumph of Saint Tournesal"....a sunflower creature is crowned KING of the sunflowers by the will of the masses...of Sunflowers...".
$30 + gst
The X Generation Wading Through The Night
By Dan Deming
$30 + gst
This inspirational little book explains the Game of Life and shows you how you can manifest whatever you desire in your life.
Through simple explanations of how universal laws work, Wayne Porter shows you how thoughts and vibrations are affecting what you attract in your life, and how you can improve upon your desired outcomes by partnering with the Universe to win the Game of Life.
As Wayn
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$30 + gst
Number Ten - From the Journey of Illusions series - a work in pastels -"Trapped in Deception." by Ronell Merrick
There are days when you cannot blame yourself for feeling spun in and feeling like we are part of a tapestry where there is no way out, but who or what is the weaver behind this sinister work. Is there a way that we can unravel ourselves and see the lights of freedom again. M
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$30 + gst
Number Ten - From the Journey of Illusions series - a work in pastels -"Trapped in Deception." by Ronell Merrick
There are days when you cannot blame yourself for feeling spun in and feeling like we are part of a tapestry where there is no way out, but who or what is the weaver behind this sinister work. Is there a way that we can unravel ourselves and see the lights of freedom again. M
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$30 + gst
Turn Your Book Into $10K Clients Synopsis
This is my 7-step guide to help you evaluate every project, so you don’t waste time, money, and energy, and you only focus on the most promising projects to attract high-end clients as well as the best business opportunities!
$30 + gst
View Of Ali By The Guy He Just Knocked Out
By Dan Deming
$30 + gst
Wealth For The Workers Is A Complete Handbook Of Easy To Read, Understand And Apply, Life Changing, Relatable And Specific Items Of Information That Can Put You And Your Business (if you own one) On The Right Track To Having True Power And Abundance In Your Life.
These Basic And Indisputable Laws Of Success and Laws Of Attraction, Have Been Extremely Carefully And Very Thoughtfully Plucked Fr
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$30 + gst
What's Wrong with Your Novel? And How to Fix It
Sitting on a first draft because you’re not sure it’s good enough?
Know there’s something not quite right but not sure what?
Somewhat pleased with what you’ve written but having doubts?
Desperate for guidance but can’t afford an editor’s fees?
Worry not! Help is at hand.
Get the skinny on giving your novel PTQ (page turning quality).
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$30 + gst
A beautiful and enchanting children's book just right for that bed time story.
$30 + gst
Wealth For The Workers' E.Book, Audio Book, Art And Music Catalogue
Kristina Toth

24 Characteristics of a Genius
This book is a discovery of the 24 common characteristics that have been found in the world 's greatest geniuses that have ever lived; Mozart, Einstein, Shakespeare, etc. One can develop these attributes by adopting and practicing them. They enable you to unlock your innate potential on a genius level for the actuality of feeling happy and living up to your potential. I CONGRATULATE YOU NOW FOR YOUR FUTURE AND SUCCESS.
Walking On Sunshine Is Your Destiny.
MEDIA NEWS These are the 24 genius characteristics that are presently used by the Fortune 500 companies and their executives which sets them apart from everyday people. -Mr. Burnett photojournalist
IMPORTANT NOTE The best explained and applicable definitions of Genius used in the modern world you will find are on the next pages. For the word's origin turn to the end of the book.
You might find interesting.
ART DIRECTOR'S NOTE Kris has a real eye for beauty. The stunning seascapes catch the vivid colors of the sunlight evoking emotion. She showcases her professional artistic value with a touch of love throughout this work of art.
- Ms. K.T Art Director
EDITOR’S NOTE Welcome to the inspirational world of wisdom and magic. Whenever, wherever knowledge and beauty can bring you happiness. You can make a better world. You can make this world assist you to succeed. Whether you have just graduated or you are an executive, a loving dad or a dear mom, you are unique. With a peace of mind and creative development, you can be a leader where dreams come true. With your unique pocket of sunshine and exceptional ability to know, you reach for happiness that you truly deserve! -published by Genius Feeling Enterprise THE DIRECTOR’S NOTE Believe me, in this book lies a treasure that now I share with you, that now belongs to you like the beauty and grace of nature itself. You can't stop the feeling once you start to enjoy your adventure of living. Welcome sunshine! - Kristina Toth Creative Director
The 24 Characteristics Of A Genius.
1. Drive. 2. Courage. 3. Devotion to goals. 4. Knowledge. 5. Honesty. 6. Optimism. 7. Ability to judge
8. Enthusiasm. 9. Willingness to take chances. 10. Dynamic energy. 11. Enterprise. 12. Persuasion
13. Outgoingness. 14. Ability to communicate. 15. Patience. 16. Perception.17. Perfectionism
18. Sense of humor. 19. Versatility. 20. Adaptability. 21. Curiosity.22. Individualism. 23. Idealism. 24. Imagination
© G e n i u sFe e l i n g . c o m
Shortened To Less Than 2000 Words
This book is a discovery of the 24 common characteristics that have been found in the world 's greatest geniuses that have ever lived; Mozart, Einstein, Shakespeare, etc. One can develop these attributes by adopting and practicing them. They enable you to unlock your innate potential on a genius level for the actuality of feeling happy and living up to your potential. I CONGRATULATE YOU NOW FOR YOUR FUTURE AND SUCCESS.
MEDIA NEWS These are the 24 genius characteristics that are presently used by the Fortune 500 companies and their executives which sets them apart from everyday people.
IMPORTANT NOTE The best explained and applicable definitions of Genius used in the modern world you will find are on the next pages. For the word's origin turn to the end of the book. You might find interesting.
Welcome to the inspirational world of wisdom and magic. Whenever, wherever knowledge and beauty can bring you happiness. Whether you have just graduated or you are an executive, a loving dad or a dear mom, you are unique. With a peace of mind and creative development, you can be a leader where dreams come true.
The 24 Characteristics Of A Genius.
1. Drive. 2. Courage. 3. Devotion to goals. 4. Knowledge. 5. Honesty. 6. Optimism. 7. Ability to judge
8. Enthusiasm. 9. Willingness to take chances. 10. Dynamic energy. 11. Enterprise. 12. Persuasion
13. Outgoingness. 14. Ability to communicate. 15. Patience. 16. Perception.17. Perfectionism
18. Sense of humor. 19. Versatility. 20. Adaptability. 21. Curiosity.22. Individualism. 23. Idealism. 24. Imagination
© G e n i u sFe e l i n g . c o m

Who Else Wants To Learn The Crazy Secrets Of A Niche Marketing Maniac? |
Are You Ready To Explode Or Start Your Niche Information Business On The Internet?
Hello My Friend,
My name is Vondre' Whaley, and I have cracked the code to selling information on the internet. I'm not some know-it-all who's been around for 20 years, but a good person, just like you, who has built a successful niche information business on the internet.
To put it plainly, I'm a niche marketing MANIAC!
And now ... I want to set the record straight.
If you're reading this letter, chances are you have asked the following questions.
How can I find the right products to sell on the internet?
How do I get people to visit my site and buy something?
How do I become the expert marketer instead of the other way around?
With my new course, "Confessions Of A Niche Marketing Maniac!," I'm spilling the beans to all who want to listen.
This course teaches amazing concepts that I've been using to make profits with simple niche websites like http://www.sellcakeslikecrazy.com. Some of these strategies have NEVER, EVER, been mentioned by anyone else.
Maybe you have tried selling internet marketing related products with NO LUCK?
May be you have created your own product and it’s simply not selling?
May be you don’t have a clue where and how to get started selling on the internet?
Confessions Of A Niche Marketing MANIAC provides cutting edge strategies and solutions to give you the "Real Deal" on internet marketing.
Here's what you'll learn in this course:

- Firstly, understanding what performance is and how to recognise a top performer is very important. The first section deals with how to recognise the “good ones”.
- Next, you will learn some very practical information on how to hire good people, including the sort of ads to write and how to get references that are meaningful.
- Having hired someone good, you need to get them oriented and started in the most efficient way. Job descriptions are vital here, but there’s something even more valuable that you need to know about.
- Managing the day-to-day performance, making sure your good people are not destroyed by vindictive office politics and doing some effective things to ensure your good people stay with you. These are all addressable under the banner of “performance”.
- Motivation is important, but does that mean giving bonuses and running hyped up meetings? Find out what works best here.
- Appraisals are often considered a difficult and onerous task for any manager. How would you like to be in a situation where you actually look forward to giving appraisals to your people?
- Terminating employees can be very distasteful. Some managers actually lose sleep over this. But there is a way to fire people that is not unpleasant at all.
- Finally, there are many side issues that come up in managing people, like dress codes, working from home, staff training and personal problems that impinge on the work place. Here there are a selection of solutions to all these type of things – all based on understanding what performance actually means.

- The power of Social Serving versus Social Selling
- How to position yourself with Preeminence
- How to set out your profile to speak to your ideal clients in a voice they understand
- How to and when to connect, engage and convert prospects in a professional manner
- How to write your own scripts that work
- The rookie mistakes you simply must avoid
- The power of Social Serving V's Social Selling
- How to position yourself with Preeminance
- How to set out your profile to speak to your ideal clients in a voice they understand
- How to and when to connect, engage and convert prospects in a professional manner
- How to write your own scripts that work
- The 7 rookie mistakes you simply must avoid
- Starting with your 'Why”
- Social Serving v Social Selling
- You get what you give
- The importance your profile plays
- Preparing for Success “If you fail to plan, you plan to fail”
- The Power of the Law of Reciprocity

- You always hit a home run.
- You always get the touchdown.
- You always get a royal flush.