The Good News Newspaper, Bringing Good News, Positive Solutions and Inspirational Stories To The People Of the World To Help Them Have Better and Happier Lives.
The Good News Newspaper is Approved and Backed By The Australian Government and N.E.I.S New Enterprise, Incentive, Scheme. It Is A Humanitarian Based Newspaper. Our Mission Is To Create A Weekly Wave Of Financial Aid Through Our Readers Subscriptions To Empower As Many Registered Charities As Humanly Possible To Carry Out The Vital Work They Do To Help The Disadvantaged People In The World to Have A Better Life.
Past Editions
Previous Editions Of Our Newspaper.





Dear Readers.
Oh My Gosh!!! Check out this week’s amazing Newspaper. 191st Edition
Are You Ready To Improve Or Rewrite Your Current Destiny? If You Are The Good News Newspaper Is Freely Giving You The Extremely Valuable Technology To Be Able To Do So And So Much More + Some Fun And Inspirations To Give You A Great Week, Enjoy…+ Our 4th Article on how to be happy…
Check out the front page below to get a taste of whats waiting inside for you… read and watch on… have a fabulous week to all of our thousands of readers across 20 countries and growing…

190th Edition
Dear Readers. This Week The Good News Newspaper Brings You Farming Of The Future To Secure Our Food Supply, How To Burn Your Body Fat And A Whole Bunch Of Other Inspirations To Help Make Our World A Better Place…
Whilst some people like to scare you and worry you, we here at The Good News Newspaper are on a constant path of research & discovery to find what some amazing people out there are doing to make our world a better place. By the time you have finished watching this week’s inspiring videos and reading the articles you should be floating on a cloud of positivity that will carry you all through the week. Get this week’s Power Packed 190th Edition at home page or on the Past Editions page.
Have a simply great week and we will be back again with you soon.
Kind regards Cath and Derek White

This week The Good Newspaper Brings You: 21 Ways To Be Happy. A Pirates Solution To Fixing Your Problems, Proven Ways To Transform Your Health, A Free Happiness July Calendar, How To Become Someone’s Hero and so much more Get it all now!
Are you ready for your weekly boost of Total Empowerment? We hope you are because this week we are going to give you access to some amazing and Revitalising Health Products, A Powerful Jump Start For Your Soul, The Practical And Proven Ways that other successful people have used to move their lives into a higher gear and so much more. Grab it all in this week’s 188th Edition at: or on the past editions page:
Would you like to discover how you can be someone’s superhero without having to wear a brightly coloured Spandex outfit or be living in Hollywood? If so, prepare yourself to cry some real tears as you watch these two short videos of truly heart-warming stories.
Plus of course get some more cooking tips with over 20 million views to its name. Plus download and print out your Free July Action Happiness Steps Daily Calendar on page 5.
Get your potent, power packed 188th Edition at:
Have a simply wonderful week full of joy and happiness and after you watch the videos why not reach out and you be someone’s Hero.
Until next time which won’t be long.
Kind regards Cath and Derek White.
Dear Readers. Do you want to discover the only thing that is stopping you from achieving your dreams? You will find it in this 186th Edition. Also this week we have a world first new technology breakthrough in treating advanced breast cancer. Plus we have another breakthrough article on one of the other main barriers to people having success in their lives. And so much more…
Imagine you had access to a Natural Holy Plant that adapts to help heal your body in so many ways that you will be astounded!! For your own sake don’t put it off, read the 204th Edition now…
204th Edition
“Breakthroughs” Everyone Wants One In Some Area Of Their Life, Correct? This Week The Good News Brings You This Priceless Information For Free From The No.1 Life Coach On Planet Earth. We suggest you Grab It Now…
Every once in a while there comes an Extraordinary Opportunity to learn life skills from a simply Extraordinary person who coaches Presidents, Multi-billionaires, ‘A List’ Movi
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Dear Readers. Would you like to discover how to live a longer and healthier life? Then absorb the must watch videos in the 193rd Edition of The Good News Newspaper as soon as you can! Plus so much more…
In the quest of living our lives we are so intent on living in the moment and packing so much into our days, weeks and years that sometimes we make choices that unknowingly to us shorten our tim
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Have you ever wondered why some people seem to have so much, and others so little? What makes them different? There is a lot more to it than hard work, intelligence, or luck and this fascinating book recommended for everyone by Australia’s Golden Sweetheart Delta Goodrem reveals why. This is not a book you read, but a book you live and it will utterly transform your wealth and your life.
Read t
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Dear Readers.
Oh My Gosh!!! Check out this week's amazing Newspaper. 191st Edition
Are You Ready To Improve Or Rewrite Your Current Destiny? If You Are The Good News Newspaper Is Freely Giving You The Extremely Valuable Technology To Be Able To Do So And So Much More + Some Fun And Inspirations To Give You A Great Week, Enjoy…+ Our 4th Article on how to be happy…
Check out the front pag
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190th Edition
Dear Readers. This Week The Good News Newspaper Brings You Farming Of The Future To Secure Our Food Supply, How To Burn Your Body Fat And A Whole Bunch Of Other Inspirations To Help Make Our World A Better Place…
Whilst some people like to scare you and worry you, we here at The Good News Newspaper are on a constant path of research & discovery to find what some amazing people
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189th Edition
This Week The Good News Newspaper Reveals The One Thing That Can Help You Expand Or Develop Your Own Personal Or Business Life To Whatever Level Of Success That You Desire. Grab it Now!
The reason why we have covered this one very important subject of expansion is that over the last few years we have seen and heard all the main media outlets reporting nearly every week on t
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This week The Good Newspaper Brings You: 21 Ways To Be Happy. A Pirates Solution To Fixing Your Problems, Proven Ways To Transform Your Health, A Free Happiness July Calendar, How To Become Someone’s Hero and so much more Get it all now!
Are you ready for your weekly boost of Total Empowerment? We hope you are because this week we are going to give you access to some amazing and Revitalising H
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Dear Readers. Do you want to discover the only thing that is stopping you from achieving your dreams? You will find it in this 186th Edition. Also this week we have a world first new technology breakthrough in treating advanced breast cancer. Plus we have another breakthrough article on one of the other main barriers to people having success in their lives. And so much more…